Jaswant Vilas Restaurant Camp,

Welcome to Jaswant Vilas Restaurant Camp , Bikaner , India

Rajasthan, home to some of the finest tourist destinations in the world, offers visitors a unique blend of tradition and modernity, history and folklore, and adventure and royalty. With every passing year, its charm only becomes stronger. Even as the paths to some places become well-worn, there are newer tracks to tread, fresh mysteries to unravel. And spread across the rich and diverse landscape is roads that take you from one marvel to another.

One such road is National Highway 15-connecting Bikaner and Jaisalmer, two of the most visited cities of these parts, two bastions of heritage where ancient cultures thrive to this day. Stretching endlessly by the thar desert, this was a harsh road in the old days: travelers often speaking of parched throats and dried-up fuel tanks. Now a modern highway, it offers a smooth drive-full of excited banter more then anything else.

Along this desert road is Jaswant Vilas, poised atop a high sand dune half-way between the two great cities. A well-appointed restaurant and camp offering traditional rajput hospitality coupled with modern amenities, Jaswant Vilas is the perfect place to pull over. Refresh, renew, and hit the road again.